Greg Shelton  

Who trained Yoda as a Jedi?

Yoda, the revered and iconic Jedi Master from the Star Wars universe, is known for his unmatched wisdom and incredible Force abilities. Throughout the saga, his role in guiding and training countless Jedi knights has been well-established. Yet, one pressing question has lingered for fans: Who trained Yoda himself? In this blog post, we will delve into the mysterious origins of Yoda’s Jedi training and shed light on the enigmatic figure who played a vital role in shaping the formidable Master Yoda.

Uncovering the Ancients

We must explore the ancient Jedi Order and its teachings to understand Yoda’s training. Records within the archives reveal that Yoda belonged to a long line of Jedi Masters who passed down their knowledge and skills for generations. Studying under renowned masters during his early years, Yoda absorbed the profound teachings of the Force and honed his capabilities in lightsaber combat and telekinesis.

The Mystery Mentor

While the specifics of his initial Jedi training may remain mysterious, it is widely believed that Yoda’s ultimate mentor and primary guiding force was Jedi Master N’Kata Del Gormo. Del Gormo, a seldom-mentioned but highly influential character, had the distinction of training Yoda on the distant planet of Dagobah. Under Del Gormo’s watchful eye, Yoda refined his skills, deepened his connection to the Force, and assimilated the teachings that would shape his path as one of the greatest Jedi Masters of all time.


The question of who trained Yoda as a Jedi has long fascinated Star Wars enthusiasts, and while precise details may be elusive, the figure of N’Kata Del Gormo emerges as the most plausible mentor. Though not widely acknowledged within the films, the expanded Star Wars lore and writings have shed light on the crucial role played by this mysterious Jedi Master in whom Yoda found guidance and wisdom. As we explore the vast universe of Star Wars, there are always intriguing stories waiting to be unearthed, adding depth to our favorite characters and continuing to captivate audiences across galaxies far, far away.

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